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July 2010

Don't Agonize, Modularize! The Cure for Big Bags

Purseorganizer Yes, the cure for big bags... but not those under one's eyes, unfortunately! Just the cure for organizing the bulky baggage we are all hauling around, like giant purses, backpacks, and suitcases. This post was inspired by a friend (L.L.-- you know who you are!) who digs around in her very large purse.

When you have a large gaping space of any kind, usually the best way to organize it is to break it up into smaller spaces or divisions. When you're working with a closet space, you add shelves and clothing rods. When you're working with a large shelf, you break it down further with baskets and turntables. And when you have a big bag, you can MODULARIZE it with smaller bags inside.

Recently we started carrying this purse organizer in our online store (click the photo above to enlarge view), and every time people see this thing in person they exclaim, "WHERE DID YOU GET THAT?" Male or female, no kidding. Women want one, and men say their wife needs one. All I really need to do to be set-for-life is to put up a table in a busy ladies' restroom and let the mob begin. This organizer allows you to put all of the absolute essentials all in one place, and then when you need something quickly you can grab it (I can now find things by "feel" inside my purse because I know which little pocket everything goes into). And, when you change from one purse to another, you just put the organizer in the other purse and go. You can read more about these here-- we have them in two colors.

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What Do Boy Scouts Carry In Their Purses?

The Boy Scout motto is "Be Prepared." That is also one of the definitions we talk about for being an organized person-- being "Ready for Anything" (see our "N.E.A.T.E.R." definition here in this previous blog post). When I think about purses, I definitely think about Being Prepared and carrying what I might need for any number of eventualities.

As a Professional Organizer, people often ask me about what I carry in my purse for some reason. So, I am getting personal and showing you what specifically is in my little purse pouch that I switch over from one purse to another. It's not the only thing I carry-- I also have my wallet, my cellular phone, a little stuffable grocery bag, sunglasses, and other items. But this is the main "Boy Scout" pouch that keeps me feeling smart when I am out and about. You can click the images to make them larger-- I have annotated the one below to point out what things are.

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