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Could you use more space today?

If so here are some different places to start to gain space while helping out a worthy cause:

1. Laundry Room

Do you have one too many bottles of laundry detergent or whatever? You can get space back in your laundry room by donating the extras to alocal pet shelter. Caring for adoptable pets is a messy business; sheltervolunteers have a lot of laundry to wash and they could use that extrabottle of detergent.

2. Linen Closet

Adoptable puppies and kittens aren’t particular about their towels and blankets. Make more space in your linen closet by donatingthe threadbare, mismatched linens to a local pet shelter today. Turn a coldmetal cage cozy with a sets, bath towel, beach towel, or blanket.

Bonus: Check out your table linens and cloth rags too. Placematsare a handy item for shelter volunteers to have on hand. And they canalways use more cleaning rags.

3. Kitchen Cabinets

Looking for more room in your kitchen? Open your kitchen cabinets andfind a few dishes you can share with a local pet shelter. A saucer, plateor small baking dish can be a great way to serve food to an adoptablepet.

Need to find a local pet shelter? lists local places, clickhere and on the left hand-side enter your zip code.

or for Monmouth county locals the MCSPCA
