Ground Hog Day 122 After Sandy
February 19, 2013
3 month 20 days! Still no closer to getting into our house. Still no information from our adjuster.
Called Fema agian today about our housing assistance. Are we getting it? I sent you all the info! Yes we have received all your information no decision has been made.
What to do you mean no decsion I sent you all the info what more do you want! You said you would help us as long as we can prove we are renting and NOT ABLE to live in our house!
Met with the contractor today needs to remeasure the house to be sure what he has is correct. Dammit I gave you all the info? even my floor plan. I need your information so I can give it to the town so I can get the infamous letter so I can apply to ICC so I can get started on lifting my house to waaaay above flood level.
Doesn't anyone understand that we want to get on with our lives? We are not playing? We want to get back to the "New Normal" whatever that means?
Yippes just got a call from contractor will be sending me the numbers. Great I can take them to Sea Bright tomorrow and get that FAMOUS letter! Hopefully I can now get the ball rolling.
Tomorrow I will Call the adjuster after I go to Sea Bright and let him know I want to start my ICC claim.
Need to get the architect some money so he now can get started on drafting the info needed to lift the house. Then the engineer. Of course all of this is dependant on what the Insurance company is going to say.