Types of PMI on Conventional Loans
Rates are low and the weather is breaking. That means the Spring market is here

Save money on your repairs!
Hi. I just discovered a web site and thought of you. Researchers at Freddie Mac decided to put together a list of life expectancies of various home systems and major appliances and published it on The Old House Web at http://www.oldhouseweb.com/stories/Detailed/267.shtml .

This is good information whether you already own a home or are considering buying one. This will give you time to save towards repairs or replacements, which can be costly. It lists appliances, gutters and downspouts, heating and air conditioning, plumbing, and roofs.

I hope you also have a chance to visit my web site. I'm continuously adding information that I think you'll find useful.

Because I'm totally immersed in my profession, I can often find you information that you might not be able to locate otherwise. For example, I frequently know of homes that are coming on the market before they are advertised. This can be particularly useful if you are looking for a home in a highly desirable location. Often these homes will be sold almost before they are advertised. Having a good agent can save you a lot of disappointment.

Same with selling a home. A good agent can make the difference of whether your home sells quickly, or stays on the market for a long time. I study the market daily. I know what makes a home sell quickly. It isn't an accident; it's a matter of knowledge. Knowledge that I will gladly share with you.

I am always glad to provide you with information. Call or e-mail me if I can be of service to you in any way.
