Living by and between the Boxes
May 31, 2016
Did you know the old adage, "Location, Location, Location" has new twists on what that means. Data shows that having a Starbucks in your neighborhood has a positive impact on home values.
How about the big box retailer? Realty Trac found some compelling data that the proximity to a Walmart or Target does impact property values.
It turns out that living near a Target may empty your wallet, and it could boost the value of your home.
While living near a Walmart saw an increase in value the homes appreciated at a lower rate than the national average.
Among homeowners who sold in 2015 in the same zip code as that of Target saw a 27% increase in home prices since they purchased their home. That's about 5% higher than the national average which is 22%.
Meanwhile those homes within the same Walmart zip code saw only a 16% price gain falling short of the national average.
So when looking to sell or buy a house you can boast that not only living near a Target is convenient it may actually mean price appreciation down the road.