Be Ready for Summer with No Hassle
June 06, 2011
Here's what I keep in the tote, ready to go when the moment strikes:
- Beach towel
- Plastic tablecloth or shower liner (to sit on a damp or muddy ground)
- Sunscreen and lip balm (sunscreen has a shelf life of about 6 months)
- Baby wipes or hand sanitizers
- Microfiber cloth or rags or paper towels
- Mini first aid kit (anti-itch spray, bandages, antibiotic ointment)
- Water bottle and snacks
- Camera or your cell phone with you when you go
- Small bag with spending money
- Hat & sunglasses
- Baby powder and soft-bristle paintbrush (removes sand or dried mud easily)
- Hair ties
- Long sleeve shirt
- Bag for treasures
- Garbage/recycling bag (not every place has a trash nearby)
- Taking Fido? Grab water bowl & leash
- Radio or MP3
- A watch you can hang from the handle
- Of course a book to read or maybe your Kindle
Voila you're now ready at a moments notice to go enjoy the sun alone or with family and you don't have to search for anything.
What is your favorite summer thing to do?