Historic Homes/Landmarks Feed

Sandy Hook Beach Concert Series

From June 20 to August 29 2007 every Wednesday at 6pm weatehr permitting at Beach Area E on Sandy Hook Top performers will draw thousands for musical entertainment in this beautiful setting. In the past each week over 2,000 people came to listen, dance, relax and enjoy the live music while eating picnic dinners broght from home. For those who want to purchase their food there is a near by snack bar and restrooms. The concerts end promptly at 8:15pm

For weather releated cancellations call 732-291-7733 after 2pm the day of concert or go to


June 20 Philadelphia Funk Authority ( funk/ dance)

June 27 Silver Starlight Orchestra (WWII big Band)

JUly 4 Next Generation Soul (rhythm and blues)

Julyy 11 Cherubs (classic rock)

July 18 Beth Ann Clayton Band (country rock)

July 25 Jobonanno, The Godson of Soul (rock and roll)

August 1 Tim McCloone and th Shirleys (rock/Americana)

August 8 Pat Guadano and the Candle Brothers (folk rock)

August 15 The Robert Murdock Band (British Invasion/60')

August 22 TBD Rain Date

August 29 Jazz Lobsters Big Band (swing)